Fred DeForest (USA)


Züchtungen / Varieties

1938 - 1973

Adelanto TB 1941 Fanciful TB 1957 Opal Way TB 1943
Al Borak TB 1951 Far Gold TB 1963 Oralee TB 1962
Alice Christy TB 1959 Fashion News TB 1959 Orelio TB 1947
All Honey TB 1953 Fete Day TB 1965 Patrice TB 1944
Alona TB 1945 Fiesta Star TB 1957 Pearly Gates PCI/CA 1940
Amadeo TB 1939 Fires Of Autumn TB 1944 Peralata TB 1947
Apple Valley TB 1958 First Violet TB 1952 Peralta TB 1950
Ardis PCI/CA 1939 Flashy TB 1959 Plum Pretty TB 1949
Argus Pheasant TB 1948 Fluritza TB 1945 Presto PCI/CA 1939
Azalea Tint TB 1956 Fortune's Favour TB 1944 Pretty Penny TB 1941
Azulejo TB 1941 Frances Kent TB 1948 Ranchero TB 1955
Ballet Russe TB 1945 Full Measure TB 1941 Rayna TB 1938
Beaudette TB 1956 Gala Finale TB 1948 Regimental TB 1960
Black Orchid TB 1950 Garnet Flame TB 1948 Rehobeth TB 1953
Blue Snowflake TB 1953 Gay Border TB 1948 Rio Oro TB 1940
Bridal Sweet TB 1963 Glowport TB 1938 Rodeo TB 1947
Bright Future TB 1956 Gold Quest TB 1965 Round Rock TB 1961
Bright Gem TB 1948 Golden Chance TB 1958 Rozella TB 1938
Bright 'n Fair TB 1965 Golden Plover TB 1950 Rubina Verde TB 1959
Brown Study TB 1945 Golden Slippers TB 1938 Sacred Mountain TB 1965
Budding Spring TB 1962 Goldendale TB 1951 Salar TB 1940
By Line TB 1952 Gorgeous Jorje TB 1957 Sergeant Buck TB 1951
Calderilla TB 1942 Grand Teton TB 1956 Sharon Kay TB 1945
Canby Sunset TB 1956 Gypsy Classic TB 1948 Shishaldin TB 1944
Candle Magic TB 1960 Headliner PCI/CA 1939 Silver Peak TB 1962
Canyon Sky TB 1954 Her Grace TB 1938 Silver Susie TB 1939
Capriccio TB 1941 High Above TB 1961 Singing River TB 1945
Captain From Castile TB 1947 Honey Amber TB 1960 Sky Flame TB 1958
Carabella TB 1947 Honor Bright AB 1951 Skyscape TB 1958
Carla TB 1959 Indian Nation TB 1948 Sliver Peak TB 1962
Caroline Jane TB 1951 Iris Charm TB 1948 Snow Dream TB 1955
Casa Morena TB 1941 Irma Melrose TB 1955 Snow Fire TB 1956
Cascade Dawn TB 1955 Ivory Black TB 1951 Sonrisa TB 1941
Cedarbark TB 1939 Java Jewel TB 1951 South O'The Border TB 1940
Chiara TB 1944 Jewel Tree TB 1964 Sparkie TB 1952
Chief Poking Fire TB 1942 Juana Marie TB 1940 Spice Of Life TB 1950
Chiffon Pink TB 1945 Kin-Na-Zin TB 1960 Spider PCI/CA 1940
Chi-Yun TB 1945 La Lomita TB 1941 Spring Sonnet TB 1948
Christmas Angel TB 1960 Lake Shannon TB 1944 Star Flame TB 1948
Circle D TB 1965 Lantana TB 1949 Sun Hawk TB 1939
Clear Lake TB 1951 Late Sun TB 1940 Sundowner TB 1940
Clear Sailing TB 1948 Lilac Prairie TB 1959 Sunny Isle TB 1962
Cloud Light TB 1960 'Lina Beth TB 1954 Sunset Sail TB 1958
Cloudcap TB 1950 Lively Lady PCI/CA 1939 Sutia TB 1940
Colonel Primrose TB 1947 Lluvia De Ora TB 1941 Taffy Pink TB 1964
Color Carnival TB 1949 Lockwood TB 1947 Tall Chief TB 1956
Coloratura TB 1944 Lori May TB 1941 Tedew TB 1951
Come Spring Spec 1956 Loyola PCI/CA 1939 Texas Way TB 1954
Copper River TB 1943 Lula Marguerite TB 1956 Tiffanja TB 1942
Copper Sky TB 1957 Lura TB 1948 Tonalea TB 1955
Coral King TB 1957 Marimba TB 1943 Tonatiuh TB 1944
Corallina TB 1955 Marjie TB 1950 Tonga TB 1939
Country Editor TB 1955 Marsala TB 1947 Tourista TB 1960
Countryside TB 1959 Melodist TB 1944 Treva TB 1943
Daffy TB 1943 Mendenhall TB 1959 Twilight Star TB 1963
Dawn Crest TB 1957 Merry Heart TB 1964 Unique TB 1941
Dawn Star TB 1958 Mesa Melody TB 1958 Viewpoint TB 1973
Day In June PCI/CA 1939 Miami Moon TB 1947 Violet Hills TB 1956
Desert Son TB 1958 Mithra TB 1958 Vision Of Mirza TB 1944
Dewy Moon PCI/CA 1940 Mme. Raya TB 1945 Wahkeena PCI/CA 1940
Ebony Isle TB 1943 Molly May TB 1944 Whimsy TB 1957
Ebony Sheen TB 1948 Moon Fantasy TB 1955 White Prairies TB 1945
Edenlure TB 1944 New Day TB 1963 Whiz TB 1963
Egyptianella TB 1940 New Hope TB 1949 Winter Lace TB 1957
Eleven-Thirty PCI/CA 1939 Next O' Kin TB 1956
Elfin Tracery TB 1955 Night 'n Day TB 1956      
Elysian Gold TB 1955 Night n' Day TB 1948      
Envoy TB 1947 Night Storm TB 1954      
Estrelita PCI/CA 1939 Noon Blaze TB 1948      
Fairy Blush TB 1947 Olompali PCI/CA 1940      


Fettgedruckt: Diese Iris existieren noch in bekannten Sammlungen.

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Bold letters: This iris still exist in known collections.

If you have one of the other irs, or know a collection, where it gives, also if you have pictures from the others, please let me know.