Tell Muhlestein (USA)


Züchtungen / Varieties

1945 - 1982


After Midnight TB 1945 Half A Peach BB 1969 Red Copper TB 1971
Amaranth Gem SDB 1963 Happy Blend TB 1947 Red Step SPU 1964
Another Lark TB 1951 Hobo Party TB 1971 Rich Experience TB 1965
Another Swan TB 1977 Hoogie Boy AB 1948 Rich Tapestry TB 1965
Apricot Glory TB 1949 Imitation Sky TB 1974 Rose Glow TB 1951
Apricot Puree TB 1976 Ina Rogers TB 1971 Rose Saumon TB 1947
Arctic Gold TB 1945 Irene Neece TB 1966 Ruffled Gem TB 1947
Auburn Star TB 1973 Irish Whim TB 1957 Ruffled Pink TB 1947
Azure Lake TB 1952 Jan Elizabeth TB 1958 Ruffled Shell TB 1947
Bannock Chief TB 1982 Joyce Terry TB 1974 Salmon Shell TB 1947
Bannock Warrior TB 1982 June Meredith TB 1953 Sanded Marble TB 1945
Bengal Beauty TB 1962 June's Sister TB 1958 Sapphire Tiara TB 1976
Big Golden SPU 1963 Just Annie TB 1951 Saucy Peach BB 1959
Big Peach TB 1975 Just Different TB 1969 Saucy Pink BB 1962
Bill Brown TB 1954 Laced Armour TB 1959 Sea Lark TB 1945
Bingham TB 1954 Laced Butterfly SPU 1961 Second Look TB 1970
Biscuit Pink TB 1971 Lacy Lu BB 1961 Sheer Genius TB 1970
Bit O' Paradise BB 1965 Lacycot BB 1977 Shine On TB 1945
Blackcap TB 1947 Lady Albright TB 1949 Show 'N' Tell TB 1982
Blue Alabaster TB 1971 Lady Kay BB 1959 Sky Song TB 1947
Blue Fairy AB 1953 Lady Marie TB 1975 Sky Tint TB 1948
Blue Promise TB 1974 Lady Of Nepal AB 1959 Small Cloud SDB 1963
Blue Snow TB 1945 Lake Guest ? 1945 Small Sky SDB 1963
Blue Staghorn TB 1963 Late Apricot TB 1957 Smoked Salmon TB 1954
Blue Stardust TB 1954 Late Guest TB 1945 Smootho TB 1959
Bone China BB 1960 Lebanese Snow AB 1970 Snow Basin TB 1973
Border Cream TB 1965 Lemon Flare SDB 1958 Snow Capitol TB 1976
Border Gold BB 1959 Lemon Flurry IB 1965 Speak Softly TB 1959
Bronze Shimmer TB 1947 Light Stitches TB 1962 Splashes TB 1952
Brown Stain TB 1947 Lilac Rose TB 1969 Sporting Thomas AB 1947
Brownland TB 1947 Little Cottage SDB 1958 Stag At Eve TB 1945
Burmese Ruby TB 1948 Little Elsa SDB 1947 Star Valley TB 1972
Button Stitched TB 1972 Little Glacier TB 1945 Step Up TB 1952
Captivator TB 1947 Little Lake AB 1949 Stepping Small BB 1974
Carolyn C TB 1976 Little Rubient IB 1965 Story Time TB 1948
Chalfonte BB 1971 Loud Music TB 1971 Sunset Road TB 1949
Charming Mistress TB 1948 Louder Still TB 1974 Swan Ballet TB 1955
Char-True SPU 1965 Lovely Diana TB 1958 Sweet Dream AB 1947
Chetkin TB 1961 Lovely Lois TB 1976 Sweet Marie TB 1951
Cinnamon Tart TB 1969 Luzon Crosby TB 1963 Sweet Repose TB 1947
Clara B. TB 1952 Madam Mohr AB 1951 Table Glow MTB 1976
Cleta BB 1971 Madeira Lace TB 1965 Table Ware IB 1968
Concord Concentrate TB 1971 Marbled Mohr AB 1958 Tall Tale AB 1948
Contrasted Moods TB 1976 Marcy Dee BB 1963 Tangerine Flash BB 1973
Convention Queen TB 1954 Marie Phillips TB 1963 The Bearded Lady TB 1947
Cool Lemonade TB 1945 Martel TB 1962 The Knockout TB 1948
Cream And Tangerine TB 1956 Master Neil AB 1952 The Showman TB 1947
Cream Crest TB 1958 Mauve Charmette BB 1976 The Tanner TB 1947
Cream Gold TB 1947 Melody Lace TB 1945 Today's Special TB 1977
Dawn Overlay TB 1945 Merry Orchid TB 1961 Toy Town SDB 1957
Day Of Rest TB 1962 Merry Rose TB 1945 True Devotion BB 1977
Deep Buttercup TB 1949 Midnight Frolic TB 1947 Twotone Mohr AB 1947
Deep Maroon TB 1952 Mirror Lake TB 1945 Utah Cream TB 1953
Doctor K TB 1959 Miss Vickie TB 1970 Utah Fiesta TB 1947
Don't Neglecta TB 1977 Mist Glow TB 1947 Utah Lake TB 1949
Dr. Wanlass TB 1956 Modern Design TB 1957 Utah Mahogany TB 1958
Dream Along TB 1945 Mohr and More AB 1952 Utah Sky TB 1954
Dream of May TB 1977 Mohr Glorious TB 1952 Utah Snow TB 1961
Drop O' Lemon MDB 1959 Mohr Lemonade AB 1957 Utah Special TB 1947
Dutch Kitchen TB 1977 Mohr Velvet TB 1952 Utah Sunrise TB 1958
Early Charmer BB 1962 Mount Timp TB 1945 Utah Sunset TB 1949
Early Reception TB 1965 New Adventure TB 1953 Utah Valley TB 1959
Eastern Mystery AB 1976 Night Life TB 1947 Utah Velvet TB 1961
Echelon BB 1968 Night Spot TB 1947 Velvet Gold IB 1964
Eleanor Z TB 1954 Norma Averett TB 1964 Violet Leather TB 1958
Entrapment TB 1976 Oddfellow AB 1956 Waxy White TB 1945
Ethel Helms TB 1972 Orange Apricot TB 1954 Weather Bird TB 1953
Fabulous Kate TB 1949 Orange Concentrate TB 1972 White Flamingo TB 1954
Fairy Folk BB 1962 Orange Creamo TB 1947 White Leatherette TB 1960
Fancy Feather TB 1952 Orange Sherbet TB 1947 Wild Peacock TB 1964
Fire Ruby TB 1964 Orange Whamo TB 1976 Winken And Blinken TB 1954
First Curtain TB 1951 Orchid Blues TB 1945 Winter Calm TB 1970
Flame On Gold TB 1962 Paper and Ink SDB 1957 Wish Again TB 1952
Flamingo Bay TB 1953 Party Dress TB 1951 Wisteria Tree TB 1970
Flamingo Lake TB 1969 Pearl Island TB 1975 Wonderful Sky TB 1960
Fluted Buttercup SPU 1961 Pinafore Party TB 1962 Wonderful White TB 1958
Fluted Lavender TB 1971 Pink Beard TB 1947 Yellow Accent TB 1971
Fluted Opal SPU 1963 Pink Confection TB 1951 Yellow Cream TB 1976
Fona TB 1963 Pink Enchantment TB 1953 Yellow Tower TB 1949
Gay Blade TB 1947 Pink Fantastic TB 1947  


Gay Orchid TB 1947 Pink Formal TB 1947
Gay Purple AB 1947 Pink Fulfillment TB 1951
Generous TB 1954 Pink Ivory TB 1962
Glistenglow TB 1947 Pink Papa TB 1956
Glistening Copper TB 1952 Pink Peach TB 1947
Glittering Bronze TB 1961 Pink Salmon TB 1947
Gold Ruffles TB 1947 Pink Setting TB 1969
Gold Torch TB 1954 Pink Tower TB 1947
Golden Accent TB 1971 Praiseworthy TB 1955
Golden Brilliance TB 1973 Prefered Man TB 1968
Golden Copper BB 1959 President Farnsworth TB 1974
Golden Curls BB 1972 Promissory Note TB 1977
Golden Spice TB 1960 Provost TB 1945
Grant Gordon TB 1976 Queen's Lace TB 1955
Grape Red TB 1947 Quiet Grandeur TB 1968
Gray Lace TB 1961 Radiant Command TB 1947
Gray Mohr AB 1956 Rare Marble TB 1945
Green Ivory TB 1953 Rare Pearl TB 1953
Green Mohr AB 1949 Raspberry Ice Cream TB 1953
Greenglow TB 1947 Raven Country TB 1951


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Bold letters: This iris still exist in known collections.

If you have one of the other irs, or know a collection, where it gives, also if you have pictures from the others, please let me know.