Gordon Plough (USA)



Züchtungen / Varieties

1948 - 1988


Adventure Bay TB 1979 Freedom Road TB 1976 Polished Jewel TB 1978
Aegean Star TB 1971 French Lace TB 1962 Pongee Lace TB 1961
Agra TB 1969 Frosty Atom SDB 1980 Posy Parade IB 1970
Alaskan Sunset TB 1966 Frosty Lemon SDB 1981 Pray For Peace TB 1982
Albino Plumes TB 1967 Funtastic TB 1978 Pretty Gay TB 1954
Alice Lemen TB 1956 Futuramic TB 1955 Pretty Wild TB 1971
All Aflame TB 1968 Future Hope TB 1981 Prize Drawing TB 1988
Alpine Plumes TB 1971 Gates Ajar AB 1964 Punchline TB 1968
Amber Accent TB 1968 Gay Pal TB 1959 Punjab TB 1971
Amberesque TB 1977 Gay Paree TB 1956 Quest TB 1955
Amberita BB 1967 Glacier Magic TB 1976 Quetta TB 1967
Amigo's Guitar TB 1964 Glamorous TB 1960 Quiet Isle TB 1971
Another World TB 1973 Global Affair TB 1979 Rain Country TB 1979
Apache Arrow TB 1983 Golden Apple TB 1975 Rain Forest TB 1967
Aperitif TB 1966 Golden Fire TB 1976 Rain Or Shine TB 1972
Apollo Gold TB 1971 Golden Ingot TB 1972 Rain Shadow TB 1971
Appian Way AB 1957 Golden Starlet SDB 1972 Rainbow Gold TB 1960
Apricot Cream TB 1958 Goldette SDB 1977 Rainbow Valley TB 1965
Azure Lace TB 1965 Grand Alliance TB 1965 Rainy Pass TB 1977
Bandolier TB 1968 Grand Array TB 1970 Rare Penny SDB 1979
Bavarian Cream TB 1978 Grand Coulee TB 1957 Raven's Roost TB 1981
Beau Black TB 1963 Green Eyed Lady TB 1973 Raziza TB 1975
Beauty Tip TB 1968 Green Shimmer TB 1970 Really Pink TB 1977
Beaux Arts TB 1969 Guitar Country TB 1971 Red Jade TB 1972
Beebop IB 1964 Hard Rain TB 1978 Reva TB 1973
Bel Tempo TB 1969 Heady Wine TB 1969 Ribbons Of Blue TB 1967
Berry Wine TB 1980 Heaven Sent TB 1962 Ric Rac IB 1965
Bit Of Chocolate IB 1980 Henna Rust TB 1959 Rio De Oro TB 1983
Black Market TB 1974 Here's My Heart TB 1981 River Hawk TB 1979
Black Tornado TB 1983 High Heaven TB 1953 Riviera TB 1957
Blakstok TB 1957 Hindu Wand TB 1958 Rocket Thruster TB 1978
Blewett Pass TB 1962 Hit Song TB 1982 Roseanne TB 1965
Blue Bayou TB 1965 Honest Pleasure TB 1978 Roundup Twin Bluevi TB 1981
Blue Gate AB 1959 Hot Spell TB 1968 Roundup Twin Redvi TB 1981
Blue Sand SDB 1978 Hudson Bay TB 1957 Royal Allure TB 1977
Bluebeard's Castle TB 1966 Ilah TB 1975 Royal Casino TB 1979
Bon Vivant TB 1962 Incandescent AB 1957 Ruby Lips TB 1959
Bon Voyage TB 1958 Interpol TB 1973 Rustglow TB 1969
Bonnie Lassie BB 1961 Irish Tune TB 1978 Saddle Shoes TB 1970
Bounty Hunter TB 1976 Island Fiesta TB 1979 Safari TB 1953
Bright Bauble SDB 1981 Ivory Plumes TB 1980 Saigon TB 1960
Buff And Blue SDB 1975 Jaipur TB 1966 Sands Of Gold TB 1972
Butter Bit IB 1961 Jakarta TB 1967 Sashay TB 1964
Butterscotch Kiss TB 1957 Jaliba AB 1980 Satan's Choice TB 1958
Bwana TB 1960 Java Charm TB 1976 Satin Sequin IB 1981
Camptown Races TB 1973 Java Dove TB 1964 Saucy Flossie IB 1962
Candy Sweet BB 1965 Java Peach TB 1983 Scenic TB 1955
Jungle Drums AB 1953 Seair TB 1964
Caribou Trail TB 1956 Jungle Song TB 1969 Secret Society TB 1973
Cascade China TB 1966 Kachina Doll TB 1961 Secret Storm TB 1974
Casino AB 1953 Kalahari TB 1971 Shane TB 1975
Casino Belle TB 1981 Kiss Of Fire TB 1959 Shatra AB 1980
Castle Royal TB 1972 Kiss Of Gold TB 1983 Ship To Shore TB 1981
Chalk Mark SDB 1975 Kiss Of Lemon TB 1966 Showy Devil TB 1976
Charcoal TB 1969 Kona Coast TB 1971 Silver Shadows TB 1969
Charm Of Eden TB 1967 Kontiki IB 1965 Sing Again IB 1965
Cherry Malott TB 1965 La Paloma TB 1959 Sing Along TB 1962
Cherry Pink TB 1961 La Zanzara TB 1981 Singing Pines TB 1966
Chief Moses TB 1967 Lady Dawn TB 1972 Sinkiang TB 1971
China Gate TB 1958 Lady Of Waverly TB 1975 Sketch Me TB 1976
Chloe Inez TB 1956 Lake Of Heaven TB 1971 Skyline Drive TB 1976
Chumstick TB 1955 Laurel Hill AB 1948 Smithsonian TB 1955
Cinnamon Mist TB 1967 Le Sabre IB 1965 Smoke Screen BB 1965
Circuit Breaker SDB 1973 Leather Lace TB 1961 Snow Dove TB 1979
Circus Stripes TB 1976 Lemon Bowl TB 1961 Soft Refrain TB 1981
Citrus Mist TB 1967 Lemon Lilt TB 1962 Son Of Star TB 1969
Cloud Cocktail TB 1976 Let's Go TB 1987 Songmaker TB 1972
Cloud Dancer TB 1958 Lhasa TB 1964 Spice Island TB 1960
Cloud Parade TB 1956 Light My Fire TB 1973 Spring Bonnet IB 1975
Coastal Waters TB 1967 Lighted Way TB 1971 Stag Party TB 1979
Coastline TB 1971 Lightup TB 1962 Starlit River TB 1981
Cocktail Time TB 1965 Likely Story TB 1981 Start The Music TB 1980
Colockum TB 1955 Lilac Festival TB 1958 Stormy Skies TB 1952
Coloray IB 1965 Little Angel SDB 1959 Strange Magic TB 1969
Comfy Cozy SDB 1975 Little Bit Blue IB 1964 Straw Fire TB 1977
Cool Retreat TB 1978 Little Idol IB 1977 Study In Black TB 1968
Coral Butte TB 1964 Little Lane SDB 1964 Sun Country TB 1962
Coral Ice TB 1967 Little Saint IB 1976 Sun Island TB 1972
Count Cobra TB 1973 Little Storm SDB 1974 Sunrise Rim TB 1968
Crinkled Sunset TB 1956 Living Desert TB 1978 Sunsite TB 1964
Crown Colony TB 1960 Logan's Run TB 1980 Suva TB 1967
Crystal Lace TB 1972 London Fog TB 1976 Suva Sling TB 1974
Crystal River TB 1964 Lorna Lynn TB 1962 Swahili TB 1965
Cub Scout BB 1965 Lost River TB 1959 Sweet Lorraine TB 1967
Cuba Libre TB 1956 Love With Lace TB 1971 Sweet One TB 1963
Cup Of Cocoa TB 1982 Love's Labor TB 1966 Taco Time TB 1972
Dark Allure TB 1972 Low Rider IB 1977 Talent Show TB 1964
Dark Dream TB 1968 Mariachi TB 1969 Task Force TB 1978
Dark Spice TB 1966 Marked Deck TB 1978 Tasmanian TB 1972
Delicious TB 1964 Maximite IB 1980 Taste The Wine TB 1979
Dew Point IB 1970 Melody In White TB 1973 Teanaway TB 1977
Distant Light TB 1975 Milestone TB 1965 Tenerello TB 1980
Dove Call TB 1979 Miss Magic TB 1965 Tenino TB 1977
Easter Valley TB 1960 Mission Ridge TB 1973 Threepio TB 1980
Eastmont AB 1955 Misty Tide TB 1977 Tico Tico TB 1955
Ecru Lace TB 1961 Mohr Magic AB 1959 Tillicum TB 1963
Edenite TB 1958 Monsoon TB 1965 Tolo Dance TB 1970
El Serape TB 1973 Moon Tike IB 1970 Torrid Zone TB 1958
Exotic Flare TB 1975 Most Precious TB 1966 Touch Of Eden TB 1983
Exotic Isle TB 1981 Mustard Cream BB 1964 Touch Of Spice TB 1972
Exotic Star TB 1974 Mystery Time TB 1977 Trader's Gold TB 1982
Exotic Wings TB 1968 Mystic Symbol SDB 1973 Tres Bien TB 1960
Extra Margin TB 1969 Native Trinket SDB 1981 Tres Chic TB 1969
Fabrique TB 1974 Night Out TB 1970 Tribal Dance TB 1972
Fair And Warm TB 1964 Nom De Plume TB 1970 Triple Play TB 1976
Fairy Goddess TB 1958 Ocean Shores TB 1966 Tropic Blue TB 1964
Faraway Blue TB 1981 Old West TB 1979 Tropic Touch TB 1968
Fast Track TB 1963 On The Beach TB 1982 Truly Fair TB 1956
Faustina Walker TB 1970 On The Go TB 1974 Tulip Time TB 1983
Feather River SDB 1973 Orange Frosting TB 1976 Tumwater IB 1971
Festive Spirit TB 1968 Orange Soda TB 1981 Valverde TB 1975
Field Day TB 1980 Orchid Chiffon TB 1980 Vashon TB 1966
Fiesta Brava TB 1973 Pacific Sands TB 1966 Vegas Bandit TB 1974
Fine Plumage TB 1962 Painted Angel TB 1967 Veiled Skies TB 1974
Fire And Rain TB 1976 Painted Pink TB 1971 Viet Nam TB 1966
Fire Goddess TB 1981 Painter's Lady TB 1972 Warm And Toasty TB 1977
Fire One SDB 1978 Paleface TB 1957 Wee Lad SDB 1966
Fire Power TB 1976 Palisades TB 1963 Wee Tot SDB 1966
Firebreak TB 1972 Party Favor TB 1958 Western Shores TB 1973
First Flight TB 1956 Peach Plume TB 1957 Whitestone TB 1978
Flame Kiss TB 1958 Penang TB 1969 Wild Monkey TB 1980
Flaming Pink TB 1975 Pencil Sketch TB 1972 Wild Plum TB 1963
Flaming Star TB 1967 Pine Frost SDB 1978 Wild Violet LA 1971
Flarette IB 1967 Ping Pong IB 1964 Wildways TB 1976
Flaring Ivory TB 1959 Pink Amulet IB 1975 Williwaw TB 1956
Flash Fire TB 1978 Pink Cheer TB 1969 Wind Dance TB 1973
Floral Art TB 1963 Pink Riot TB 1981 Wings Of Blue TB 1980
Flower Power TB 1969 Pirate's Cove TB 1979 Winner's Circle TB 1972
Fly To Vegas TB 1982 Pleasure Cruise TB 1975 Witch Doctor AB 1953
Follow The Sun TB 1975 Pocket Size BB 1974 Yum Plum IB 1975
Folvar TB 1961 Polar Lace TB 1970 Zab AB 1980


Fettgedruckt: Diese Iris existieren noch in bekannten Sammlungen.
Fettgedruckt und blau: In unserer Sammlung.

Falls Sie von den anderen Iris welche besitzen, oder eine Sammlung kennen, in der sich welche befinden, oder Bilder haben welche Sie mir zur Verfügung stellen könnten, würde  ich mich über eine entsprechende Info sehr freuen. info@irisparadise.com

Bold letters: This iris still exist in known collections.
Bold letters and blue: In our collection.

If you have one of the other irs, or know a collection, where it gives, also if you have pictures from the others, please let me know. info@irisparadise.com

